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ULIジャパンは12月1日、東京ミッドタウン日比谷にてULIジャパン フォール・カンファレンス2022を開催します。
ULI Japan Women's Leadership Initiative holds first in-person networking event in three years.
ULI Japan Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI) hosted its first in-person event in three years recently. The women focused networking event, ‘Wai Wai Wine Women’s Networking,’ was held on Wednesday evening, November 16th. Venue sponsor Gensler kindly donated catering and their Tokyo office space, a gorgeous kitchen and open floor event space equipped with everything one could want for holding an event of this kind. The event name ‘Wai Wai’ in Japanese is an onomatopoeia that roughly translates to having a good time together. Together with event sponsor Orrick, ULI was able to hold a successful event: full attendance, good food and wine, and a fantastic atmosphere throughout the evening.
Women are often a rarity in the world of real estate and real estate investment, especially those looking to advance their career to the top ranks of their companies. In an industry largely dominated by men, it can be hard to connect with fellow women in the industry, and it is easy to feel isolated and siloed within ones one company in that environment. Events like this serve as a venue where industry peers meet over drinks and conversation in a low stress, casual environment, fulling the mission of WLI to ‘promote the advancement of women, throughout their careers, as leaders in the real estate industry’ and to ‘increase the number of women who serve in leadership positions in the real estate industry and in ULI.’
Women (and men) from backgrounds in investing, fund and asset management, development law, architecture and various other roles in the world of real estate were in the room representing major local and international firms. Guests from ULI Hong Kong were also in attendance. Many new connections were made, and old friendships reinforced, it was an evening of impactful interaction and meaningful connections forged. Given the positive reception and feedback both during and after the event, ULI Japan and WLI hope to continue to collaborate and host similar events going forward. And to continue the tradition of demanding attendees leave past closing time.
Opening speech at ULI Japan’s WLI Wai Wai Wine Networking Event
Networking in action at ULI Japan’s WLI Wai Wai Wine event
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