ULI Japan Full Member Breakfast - Japan to Europe Outbound Real Estate Investment: Outlook and Strategies


2019-06-18T08:30:00 - 2019-06-18T10:30:00

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    French Kitchen Will open in a new window Grand Hyatt Tokyo 2F 6-10-3 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032 JAPAN


    Standard Pricing Until June 17 Members Non-Members
    Private $100.00 N/A
    Public/Academic/Nonprofit $100.00 N/A
    Retired $100.00 N/A
    Student $100.00 N/A
    Under Age 35 $100.00 N/A
    online: USD 100
    bank transfer: JPY 11,500 
    Featured topics include:
    Cross Border Investment Flow Market Review
    A review of current and projected cross-border investment activity from Japan and greater Asia into Europe. Where investment is going and why? What types of deals are being targeted? Who is active? What are the next trends to look for?
    Practical Techniques and Strategies for Cross Border Investment into Europe
    An assessment of the practical legal issues and strategies in executing cross border investment deals into Europe, with a focus on key markets such as Germany.
    Case Studies
    Case study examples of successful Japan to Europe investments – including lessons learned.
    The briefing will be followed by a networking breakfast and an opportunity to meet other investors interested in European real estate opportunities.
    The meeting is exclusive for Full Members. Seats are limited.
    Please register by Friday, June 14.
    *Simultaneous interpreting will be available.

    French Kitchen Grand Hyatt Tokyo 2F JAPAN

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